Monday, September 26, 2005

Hot Text: Ch 8

Yes, it's homework day!
Chapter 8, another worthy read. (Although, I guess the guy in the photo—I'm getting the sneaking suspicion he's the author, or at least one of them—is eating "chunky soup" as an illustration of writing chunky paragraphs. Ack!) The chapter talks about how to go about building really effective paragraphs. Except that you put the main info first, not last (as you would for print)! Dealing with context was interesting, too: use connectors, refer back to earlier ideas, avoid in medias res. How to write the beginning sentence? Just write the paragraph as you normally would (for print), then move the last sentence so it's first. Brilliant! I was sitting there wondering what to do about that one.

Here's a site where Jakob Nielsen gives some webwriting tips:


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