Thursday, September 29, 2005


It's been a busy week...
I'm afraid I'm not feeling very witty tonight. And, certainly not about class, even though it isn't being held this week. (Did everyone email their persona/audience statements?) But, we do need a fifth posting, don't we? And, it must be about the class. Hmmm. I'm reading the Web Style Guide—Ch 3: Site Design. I was a bad girl and printed it out, so I can read it in obscure places like the doctor's waiting room, the car (did I say that?), and sitting in bed before nodding off. What can I say? It's been a busy week...

The chapter gives a ton of useful info for "real" website designers. I find it difficult to read long stuff online (for all the reasons they give you in the web style guide), and even after it's printed out. But, I hope to gain some insight from the chapter into the actual design of my web site, which is now upon me. I expect to have a busy rest of the semester, too. That's okay. When all's said and done, I'll be able to build a website, which will be amazing in itself. And, I'm enjoying the writing aspect of it all, as well (despite my grumblings tonight).


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