As I worked today on creating my website (aka Project I), I found myself wondering how many of us are fictionalizing our copy and how many are taking the straightforward route. I decided early on that fiction would be (a) counterproductive in what I want to do (get "myself" "out there") and (b) a lot more work than nonfiction, especially when the emphasis is on technical ability and not so much on the writing. Of course, if you're into writing fiction anyway, it could be a lot of fun, and probably a lot more interesting to readers than the otherwise boring lives that most of us might lead in reality. But, onward I worked, assembling links and graphics, and measuring what I've written against recent reading assignments: Did I link each subpage back to the homepage? Did I create a sidebar of links for the homepage? Is the writing concise? Did I use headings to separate content? The online Webwriting Guide has been invaluable. It sure will be interesting to see how all this comes together...
On a different note, just for fun, take the
blogger's survey and find out your "blogger rating"!
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