Monday, November 14, 2005

Webzine Review

Review of a Few
The 13th Warrior site is clean,but the links could use some work:
1. Get rid of underlining.
2. Put space between them, so turn lines are clear.
Also, the art worries me. It's skewed vertically. Finally, the links are author's names only—no titles. I found myself wondering about the title of the journal, but there was no explanation.

I hit on 42opus, and had no idea what I was reading. The page was titled "In Toto"—what does that have to do with 42opus? OK. If you click on contributor's notes, you see that In Toto is just one work published in 42opus. They just need to get their index page linked correctly. The TOC for the issue appears on the contributor's page, which is designed simply and easy to read. The newest additions are listed first, which made me think this was just one running issue. Each genre was listed, then the author, then title. Then, the next item. So, genres were repeated. It seemed to be an odd set-up. One perpetual issue...

Amarillo Bay: Good God. Let's talk about verbosity: "Amarillo Bay is the online literary magazine containing the finest modern literature." Is this translated from another language? Read on for "What Is a Literary Magazine?" From the writing, it appears as though they're trying too hard. Mercifully, there are links to the contents and previous issues, in case you want to skip all this. The issue itself? The format is serviceable: it works but it's not exciting. The contents page gives a paragraph of each work; the reader can decide whether to go on. The font and links are clean.

Just one more: Aught.I was turned off by a couple of things on the general site: the color tan, and text aligned flush right. This one made me want to move on. Also, I can see that I'm not thrilled with reading text with too much formatting (quotes, bold, italic). (Which makes me wonder about my project 2, where I may have become too literal with this kind of thing myself.)

I clicked on issue no 14, and what did I hate? The color green and right aligned text. Right aligning might have worked, but not with the italic or the light text on the dark background. It's difficult to read. But, I found that the titles were much easier to read than the actual poetry, which looked like it had been diagrammed, or was part of a chemical formula. I guess I just wasn't geting it. And, it's all on a dark background, which made things worse. I guess I'll stick to prose...

Well, it's good to see what's out there!


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