One More Catholic Rant
That Jesus Christ would never treat women, homosexuals, congregations,
The way they treat them?
That Jesus would never have to cover up like they do?
That they are human and should act that way?
Like they don't know everyting.
They talk about forgiveness.
They still don't get it. Forgiveness is not the issue.
Trust is the issue.
With a feudal lack of transparency.
Like any other human institution,
They set themselves up for the fall.
Well, you know what they say about pride...
When will they realize that they are not the Church?
That the people are the Church?
That they are just servants?
What will convince them?
That they don't know the answers to everything.
That they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
Maybe this is the moment.
Maybe now, Catholics will wake up.
Nah. People will always follow like sheep.
They have to.
They can't (won't) think for themselves.
The Church will live on, for them.
They will just put their blinders back on,
When things simmer down,
And say, "Yes, Father!"
On the other hand, I feel sorry for the good ones.
The ones who are crying now because they themselves were duped.
The ones with true vocations.
They would have never done such things,
Or knowingly protected such monsters.
Are they all bad?
No. Are all people bad?
Is anyone perfect?
The problem is not what they did,
But how they got away with it—the Church covered it up.
Hide everything: Foremost, we must protect the Church's reputation!
(It's the reputation, stupid!)
Well, didn't that backfire?
The Church would have a better reputation today if it had policed its own,
If it had turned the accused over to the authorities,
Like other institutions have to.
The problem is that people follow them blindly,
Believe everything they say.
I feel sorry for all of them, accused and duped. Their fall was steep.
As for me, I've been arguing with them for years.
I'm a black sheep.
I knew they weren't perfect.
But, they called it a Lack of Respect.
That I can't accept Authority.
Respect is earned, and mine is hard earned.
So, I saw it coming.
So, I can forgive them.
Because I know that they,
like me,
are human.
true, true, true.
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