An Update
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Chs 11 and 13 were ambitious: Writing for a Genre was a blip in the radar compared to Persuading Niche Markets, Individuals, and the Press. A lot of reading, but all good stuff. I hope I have the opportunity to use it.
For marketing copy, you must recognize a genre, adapt your tone, and pick up that persona. Christopher Locke's RageBoy was an interesting example. Writing for niche markets requires a lot of work. But, writing "honest copy" is a refreshing idea. Bury the mission statement? I see trouble brewing for some corporate webwriters. Then, an about face: Provide more rather than less product information. MySimon provided an interesting example. A lot of good info.
Writing online press releases requires different skills. Answer reporters' questions. Be available. Provide quotes. Capture the gist of the story in the subject line and header. Create standard "about the company" copy that can be lifted and used by others. (I wasn't familiar with the term boilerplate.) Build a full online press center (on a separate subpage?). Include annual reports, white papers, etc. Anything to back you up. Again, solid advice.
Rosemont Online Lit Mag
Moving along. Looked at more online mags. Wrote mission statement. Designed index page. Compiled checklist. Chose colors. We'll get together Thursday and finalize a lot of this.
Question: I'm trying to show my archived blogs on page 1. I see on the ftp site that they're automatically archiving, which is good. (At first, I thought the earlier ones were being deleted!) But, I don't see how to get them to list in a month/year folder on page 1. I see that Carleen's archived blogs show up on page 1 of her blog, but I don't think anyone else's are. (Their folders are empty or don't exist.) Can anyone advise?
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