Saturday, October 22, 2005

Webwriting/Marketing Tips

I ran into a co-worker in the office lunchroom the other day, and we got to talking about webwriting (since I now can at least hold a conversation about it). She works in the marketing department. She's a friendly sort and was happy to impart a number of tips that I thought others might find useful.

Ensuring Text Won't Get Spammed
Go to the ezinecheck site and plug in your text to get your "spam rating"—will your broadcast or personal email fly without getting bounced by the recipient's spam filter? I've had friends who've said they didn't get my email. I know our company sends "email blasts," which don't reach people for the same reasons. Certain words set off the spam filters, but you can learn to write more effective emails—ones that reach their audience—by using this simple, free (don't use that word!) tool. I didn't try this out yet, but intend to.

Great HTML Reference
Jillian swears by this book. She said don't plan to read it, but rather, refer to it for everything html: Web Design in a Nutshell by Jennifer Niederst (pub'd by O'Reilly). It's $19.77 new with, and they even pub a desk reference. The amazon ratings were good.

Marketing Newsletter
This was also a good tip, especially for those in marketing: A mostly free (did I say that?) weekly e-newsletter. Evidently, it features the occasional webwriting-related article (she sent me two: "Newsletters that Bounce Back" and "How to Beat the Spam Filters"). You can sign up for the "freebie" (which has abbreviated articles) but need to pay $49 per year to get the "premium content" version. If you can use a lot of it, the $49 is probably worth it, but at least you can peruse for a while before deciding. The newsletter is called "Marketing Profs Today (marketing know-how from professionals & professors)." Some headlines from recent issues include "Web Page Testing and the Myth of Assumed Expertise" and "How Web Content Can Shorten a Complex Sale." You can sign up for the newsletter at the MarketingProfs website.

Hey, you never know what kind of useful information you can pick up in the lunchroom...


Blogger bitch. redefined. said...

great tips! i used to create a lot of html emails and you would not believe the number of ones picked up in spam filters. thanks for the sites.

5:32 PM  

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