Sunday, October 23, 2005

Working on Project 2...

Another Awful Site
While working on Project 2, I came across an awful website, for the Thoreau Institute. It's a humdinger. What a shame, too, because it sounds like they're trying to do something worthwhile (fiscally conservative environmentalists that they appear to be). But, an awful website doesn't help in giving them any credibility, that's for sure...

The Project
I wonder how everyone else is doing on their new project. To tell the truth, I would like to have seen everyone else's first websites, just to get an idea of how mine looked in comparison. (Hey, maybe Elizabeth planned against that, so we wouldn't compare them!) Still, I would have liked a frame of reference. Oh, well!

I think my ideas for my new project are coming along, but who knows? Just for kicks, mine is on Henry David Thoreau (I know the topic seems dated, but I promise that it's not—that's the point). What's yours on? What do you think about Thoreau? Do you like him? Hate him? Never heard of him? Any responses will be gratefully received! Consider this an impromptu web survey. It will help me focus my writing!


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